Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Activity #4 Principles of Design

This essay will be discussing the principles of design between both paintings. In the painting Banks of the Seine, Vétheuil painted by Claude Monet has alot of unity throughout the painting. You can see the unity in the painting as a whole. Everything goes together theres nothing there making you wonder why is it in the painting. There isn't any variety in the painting to really make it interesting to really make it pop. You can say that there is some subordination in the painting. To me you can see all the green and yellows really bring the painting togeher. This painting would be considered asymmetrical there are things that make the painting seem like its in a awkward state. There is definitely emphasis in this painting. When you look at the painting you see the bush at first glance and the rest of the painting follows right after the bushes. Proportion is really represented in the painting; when you look at the painting the bushes are the size they would be if you were there looking at this beautiful scenery. The trees look as if their smaller than they should actually be, but if you were there thats size the trees would actually look. The painting has alot of rhythm when you look at the trees there is a repeated shape that also goes for the bushes and lake. In painting Midsummer Twilight painted by Willard Leroy Metcalf has about the same principles throughout the painting as the done by Claude Monet. There is unity in the painting represented by houses, trees and farm everything goes together nothing sets it apart. It has some variet in the painting. If someone likes farm life and quietnesss this painting be an interest to them. The subordination in this painting would be represented in the houses with the orande roof tops, yellows and greens in the trees and the land of the painting. This would be considered a asymmetrical painting the houses, trees and land are all different in the size category. The emphasis in the paintingis the houses and trees they are the first things you can see when look at the painting. Everything is proportioned right if you where there on the land thats exactly how everything would look. There is alot of rhythm in the painting with the houses, land and trees. They are repeating eith the shapes and sizes. Both paintings in conlusion have alot of similarities. The only thing thats really different between the two would be the variety. One of the paintings looks more interesting the the othe does. Midsummer Twilight looks very calming, quiet and peaceful whereas Banks of the Seine, Vétheuil just looks a little boring then the other painting.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Activity #2 Elements of Design

In painting number one Banks of the Seine, Vétheuil by Claude Monet you can see some horizontal lines throughout the painting. You can see some horizontal lines near the horizon and the lake. There are vertical lines represented through the trees on the land near the horizon. The contour lines in the painting are where the trees meet the sky, lake meets the trees and where the lake and bushes come together. There are many primary colors in this painting represented in the trees, lake and bushes. By looking at the painting it appears to be a smooth texture. This painting done by pointiliism; it seems like the whole painting is done by piontillism except for the lake.In the painting number two Midsummer Twilight painted by Willard Leroy Metcalf has some similar concepts with the painting done by Claude Monet. This painting has alot of horizontal lines. There are horizontal lines on te land in the painting and also by the horizon. The vertical lines are represented by the trees, houses and roof tops. All the diagonal lines are on the land and some are also on the houses roof tops. The contour lines are seperating the land, horizon and houses. The painting has some directional lines going from the houses out through the land. Some of the implied shapes that are represented in the painting are triangles, rectangles and squares. The painting uses secondary colors whereas painting number one uses mostly primary colors whuch are more subtle. You see some tertiary colors on the land and roof tops of the houses. The painting looks smooth in texture and it uses pointiliism just like the painting done by Claude Monet. Both paintings in conclusion have many similarities and differences. There were more differences between both of the paintings.

Activity #1 Online Museum Visit

Willard Leroy Metcalf. Midsummer Twlight, c. 1890. Oil on Canvas, National Gallery of Art, DC
Claude Monet. Banks of the Seine, Vétheuil, 1880. Oil on Canvas, National Gallery of Art, DC