Monday, March 19, 2007

Artist Statement

When the remix idea was first presented to me in class I had to really think of what could I do to make this unique and different. I thought about all the different things that Andy Warhol did during his time as an artist. One of the first things that came to my head was doing a purse and a hat putting different works that Andy Warhol did on them. I bought a pkan hat and bag, different paints and glues. i printed out many paintings done by Andy Warhol and I beginned my vision for my remix. Andy Warhol was a native of pittsburgh born 1928 and died 1987. He did many different things with his talent while he was living. He did screen prints, paintings and believe or not he also did movies. In conclusion, I think my remix is a very different way of looking at art.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Andy Warhol Film (Superstar)

The Andy Warhol film was very interesting. It gave me chance to learn more about Any Warhol things that I never knew before. From the film I learned that Andy warhol did his first exhibit in 1962. Andy warhol I think was born in 1929 and died in 1987 from complications from surgery that he had from a gun shot wound, He is originally from Pittsburgh. Andy warhol was a very quiet person who often other people speak for him. He usually made movie that were considered very long like watching a man sleep for six hours and watching the empire state building for twenty four hours.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Activity #5 Themes and Purposes

When taking an art class you should really learn what your paintings that you will be discussing how do artist really look at the painting. What does a person think when they first look at the painting. You have to really learn the art world if your going to take a class. One thing that you should think about when looking at a painting is the theme and what artist was thinking when they were working on their piece of art. When I look at both of my Banks of the Seine, Vétheuil and Midsummer Twilight I see them both as being Art and Nature. They both are beautiful paintings that you want to look at and there peaceful because of the nature aspect of the painting. Even though both of the paintings are Art and Nature they differ in some ways. The painting Banks of the Seine, Vétheuil by Claude Monet looks more peaceful and very realxing. It looks like a place you would travel to if you were ever stressed out and wanted to get away and reflect. To some people it just might look like some trees, bushes and land to other people it's art and calming. You have to really look at for what it is (The bigger picture). The painting Midsummer Twilight by Willard Leroy Metcalf doesn't really look as peaceful as the painting by Claude Monet. It's still a very beautiful painting. It looks like a little country village where people make their living. It looks like there can be a farm in painting. You can see the houses which people probably live in. Even though it's not peaceful like the other painting it's still art and nature. There is someone out there who looks at this painting and think it's absolutley gorgeous. In conclusion, knowing the themes of art is very important. You should know where art comes from and how a person thinks when looking at it and what they feel. How would you want the person to feel when they look at the painting and what do want them to think (Put yourself in the artist shoes).