Monday, March 19, 2007

Artist Statement

When the remix idea was first presented to me in class I had to really think of what could I do to make this unique and different. I thought about all the different things that Andy Warhol did during his time as an artist. One of the first things that came to my head was doing a purse and a hat putting different works that Andy Warhol did on them. I bought a pkan hat and bag, different paints and glues. i printed out many paintings done by Andy Warhol and I beginned my vision for my remix. Andy Warhol was a native of pittsburgh born 1928 and died 1987. He did many different things with his talent while he was living. He did screen prints, paintings and believe or not he also did movies. In conclusion, I think my remix is a very different way of looking at art.

1 comment:

Anne Brew said...

Dear Krystal,

the following paragraph contains the instructions for the Artist Satement, do you think that your artist statement fulfills the objective of this part of the mid term?

Write a 250 word ARTIST STATEMENT. The artist statement should include which artist you selected for your remix and what that artists work meant to you, what meaning or interpretation you got from looking at, reading about or hearing about this artist's work, and the impact it had on you. The artist statement should include the artworks selected for the remix and why you decided to do the remix (how does it get your meaning across) in this particular way, "I chose to do this remix because...." - something to that effect. Please avoid lists and step by step instructions on how you did the remix, for example "first I took a picture, then I cut it out, then I...."